Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Heads up for 3rd Tuesday in November

We WILL be having a History class on the 3rd Tuesday in November -- we will be covering Thanksgiving that day.

October 27 Inventors Corner

Today we discussed Ships and Boats:

What's the difference? (Mainly boats are smaller, and ships often carry boats (like lifeboats))

We discussed general types of ships/boats: canoes, sailboats, etc.

Why would you use a boat?
For traveling
For fishing
For war

Where would you use a boat/ship?

Then we worked on designs for our own ships/boats.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

October 20th History Club

This week we talked about Williamsburg, maps, and clothing. We played a map game to learn about directions on a compass and navigating. We watched a video on Williamsburg, and one about the clothing of Colonial times. We finished up class by designing clothes for a paper doll. All the kids did great in class today, and listened well to instructions. They are a joy to teach!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Oct 13 Class -- Wheels

We discussed wheels, and their usefulness in transportation today. We listed things with wheels -- most of which fell in the transportation category.

We sorted 8 different transportation cards -- with and without wheels.

We looked at different types of trains, cars, planes, tanks, etc...

And then we set to work inventing -- something with wheels (didn't have to be transportation, but most were).

October 6 Building Forts

In class we talked about lots of forts in US history. We focused on Jamestown Fort. We talked about why, where, and how to build a fort.
We watched part of a video about early American colonies, and the Colonial Triangle (Jamestown, Williamsburg, and Yorktown).
Then the kids got a chance to build their own forts. When they were finished they had to tell us what kind of environment their fort was in, and what the purpose was.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Oct 6 Class?

Yes, we will be doing History/Geography class on October 6, during "Fall Break".